I've been out of touch a bit lately. I seem to be in the middle of a transient state; a bit in denial about the cold weather booting me out of my beloved forest and a little down-trodden about retiring to my basement for winter work-outs. But don't worry! I do this every year and I promise to come back with a vengeance! You can decide whether that's a good thing or not.

I know I seem far away lately, but I'm returning with ghusto!
This blog represents a little piece of my world and even though there seems to be a lot of shy visitors out there who choose not to comment, I am very impressed with the 2000+ hits my site has received. Even as far as Belgium! I think I'll be daring and reach into others' blogs more in the upcoming months. Life is too short for keeping your mind in the town you physically find yourself in. And I'm finding there are a lot of good hearts out there.
So I'll start by sharing in the moment...
As I type this, I am being wooed by band music downstairs. Like most nights, our basement transforms into a musician's oasis. Tonight, it's metal night. It's the first one to kick off a week filled with a variety of sounds; from metal to blues and jazz to rock.
As the metal sounds of Sabbath and Maiden invade their way up the stairs and into my cozy little den, I sit somewhat peacefully in front of a toasty fire. Ironically enough, the kindling used to spark this fire was a handful of splintered drumsticks. Yep, livin' the life of a musician's wife to say the least.
There is a stereotype out there with loud music and I'm sure my neighbours have many thoughts about the goings-on in our household. Wow, those Greens sure like to party it up. But if they were to step inside this world of sound, they would realize that it's serious business with well-laid plans and methodical rehearsals and respected schedules.

Me and Jeremy livin' the good life on a night off from band practice
In honour of this lively household, I welcome you to check out my husband's new blog: Six String Obsession. A guitar teacher for many years (helping him pay his way through college), Jeremy loves to talk all things guitar. And music. And artists. And bands. And the effect music has on the world around us. Yep, his obsession pretty much drives me crazy for the most part. So I'm happy to see he's found another avenue to voice his passion. His years of experience on the music scene make him a plethora of info on the subject and he seems to know what he's talking about most of the time. :)
As you cruise the wonderful world of blogging, I hope to see and hear from all of you in the upcoming months. Your company and drop-ins will keep me warm despite the coldness that befalls all us Canadians.
Leave a comment. Or not. Try the recipes. Or not. But know that each and every one of you is appreciated.
Tracey xo
Love you too! Like you, I am trying to wrap my head around the visions of sugar plums we will soon be having. Spring seems so far off in the distance, this year farther than others for some reason. Other than crazy hockey schedules, snowmobiling at the cottage, I feel like we really need a vacation this year. Fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteKeep the recipes coming Trace!! Every one I have tried has been great.
Angie, Angie, Angie. I love seeing you on here. I have been thinking a lot about you lately. I need to see you. Been WAY too long. I need to laugh with you, drink with you. So much to catch up on. Let's make it happen.
ReplyDeleteI am so far behind in my blog reading. It's really quite disgusting. On the plus side, I have enough to catch up on that I don't need to visit the library or Chapters for the next month!
ReplyDeleteCool news on Jeremy's blog. Writing about ones passions is rather theraputic I find.
Be well!
Steve, what would I do without your kinds words to keep me going? You're always peaking around the corner to check in on us. :)
ReplyDeleteFrom Dan who couldn't post a comment for some reason (I know some people have trouble getting through the password security???):
ReplyDeleteDan Chartrand said...
Great Blog Tracey. My Daughter is a really good guitar player for her age(10) We want guitar to fun so we don't push to much , we want it to be fun..outside of reminding her lessons cost money lol . Of her own accord she's learning Sabbath tunes at practice ,a and I too her to see Maiden in the summer , which was awesome. I'll have to read J.'s blog. Looks interesting . Britt (my girl) will be kicking my arse by the time she's 12 ! I guarantee it !!
Well, my lovely wife with the great mention - thanks dear!
ReplyDeleteDan that's cool she plays and Sabbath is a GREAT place for her to start. That's who I started with many moons ago! Our kids are pretty actively playing and they went for AC/DC in their earliest days (another great band for learning players). Become a follower of my blog as there should be lots of interesting stuff there for her.