Each kid was given a score card and had to rate each other. The categories were:
- effort
- nutrition
- taste
- presentation
I was proud to say they had given each other very commendable points and applauded each other with their efforts (go figure!?). So without further ado, here are the results:
Samantha: Frozen Pineapple Sorbet
Zachary: Mint Chocolate Shakes (his own recipe)
Adam: Berry Smoothies
It seemed to be a frozen dessert theme night. So to mix it up a bit, I also whipped up a hot taco dip (to kill the chill).
The winner was Samantha who really kicked up her presentation by serving hers in martini glasses with skewers of blueberries and fancy umbrellas. Great job, Samantha! Zachary scored the highest in the taste category with Adam scoring the highest in nutrition. A grand effort by all!
As usual, they are more than willing to share their recipes.
Samantha's Fruit Sherbet
this recipe dates all the way back to 1933

1 cup lemon juice
1 cup sugar
1 cup orange juice
1 cup skim milk
1/2 cup pineapple juice
In pitcher or large bowl, mix together the lemon juice and sugar. Stir in the orange juice, skim milk and pineapple juice. Pour into a container and freeze until stiff. Scoop serving size into preferred dish.
Calories: 375 Fat: 1.3 grams
photo by celest mischa on flickr

photo by sanfran annie on flickr
In blender add:
About 8 scoops of Mint Chocolate Frozen Yogurt (or more if you like)
About 4 cups Skim Milk (or more depending on thickness you like)
1 teaspoon peppermint extract
Blend until smooth and serve!
Adam's All-Fruit Smoothies

2 Bananas, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup sliced, fresh strawberries
1 1/2 cups vanilla soymilk
1 cup pomegranate-blueberry juice
1 cup vanilla frozen yogurt
In blender, combine all ingredients. Pour and serve. Adam garnished each glass with a strawberry for an added touch.