When I got it home and began my search for the perfect appetizer, I came across an article that offered this piece of crucial advice:
"Be prepared for minor emergencies by keeping a flower-arranging kit always within arm's reach."
What-the...?? The article goes on to list the essentials for said kit:
- scissors
- pruning sheers
- wire cutters
- floral tape
- floral foam
- florist's wireribbons
- rafia (not sure what this is but apparently very important in unexpected emergencies)

photo by brianr78 on flickr
I'm perplexed. What kind of minor emergency would have you lunging for your flower-arranging kit?? Your do-good neighbour is walking up your driveway unannounced so you start arranging flowers in a fury? I honestly am trying to be devil's advocate here, but I cannot, for the life of me, think of anything that would constitute a flower-arranging panic. If someone could help me out with this one, much appreciated.
Drawing on real-life moments, I would classify the following as minor emergencies:
1. Realizing there is no toilet paper and no one is home. So you carefully arrange yourself in a way to get to the next bathroom right when the doorbell rings.
2. Your child announces that it's his turn to bring the kindergarten class snack this very morning and all you have is Teriyaki beef jerky and cracked peppercorn crackers. (hey, at least it packed well)
3. Your child is sleeping in bed with you and he announces he's not feeling well so you hold out your hands in a last minute effort to save the sheets you just finished laundering (ode to Jocelyne).
4. You are hit with a very productive sneeze while in the middle of a meeting. You have no other choice but to use your hand as a Kleenex and face mask while trying to gracefully exit the room.
If only I had my flower arranging kit with me. Hmmm, I could have...
1. ...made a nice arrangement to, you know, take care of business...
2....given the teacher a beautiful bouquet in way of saying, "Sorry about the 24 hungry children, but aren't these pretty?!"
3....quickly arranged a bouquet while your child yacks all over your bed. Nothing turns a frown upside-down like a beautiful arrangement.
4....used a quick flower arrangement to make a great diversion.
Luckily, the magazine also supplied this great recipe for dip. Who knows? Maybe a bouquet of flowers would do quite nicely with its presentation.

photo by sunflower catering on flickr
1 cup sour cream
1 8-oz package cream cheese
3 5-oz. containers triple cream brie
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 1/2 cups chopped prosciutto (about 6 oz)
1/4 cup chopped green onion
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In large bowl, combine sour cream with the three cheeses. Beat until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients, stirring to combine. Bake in 8" square dish for 15-20 minutes and serve with crackers.
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